BackNatural education
In July 2011 RENOVA Charity Fund has allotted money for realization of the ecological-educational programme of the Autonomous not-for-profit “Kamchatsky nature-conservative centre ANO KPC “Special territory”. The aim of this project was to create a Visit-centre for educational activity for the population of the Kamchatka region and its guests. The Visit-centre opened in 2012. Its exposition familiarized visitors not only with the unique eco-system of the Kurile Lake, where a natural reserve is situated, its plants and animals, but also the specifics of natural complexes, history of the region, national traditions and culture of the local population. Money, allotted by the Charity Fund in 2012, was spent on creating a 3D-model of the territory of the reserve “Yuzhno-Kamchatsky”, which also includes the Kurile Lake, with clear boarders of reserves and natural objects. And the lake itself is presented in a separate exposition in section: here you can familiarize yourself with its plant and animal world, rare species from the Red List of Kamchatka and Russia, the world of its underwater creatures. Special attention is paid to the Ozernovskaya red salmon, brown bear and Stellar’s sea eagle.
Visit-centre can accept an audience of 3000 people — residents of nearby villages and settlements. For these places, where many Stellar’s sea eagles are being destroyed every year by poachers, unlawful hunting reduces population of rare species of animals, such educational work helps prevent young locals from taking risky steps in future, and also enables adults to reveal the huge world of the natural reserve and organize their leisure. According to the plan of the organizers of the Centre, thematic workshops, free seminars, master-classes and trainings will be available here for all comers.