Science and education


In 2013 RENOVA Charity Fund will finance 5 applications from participants of the Skolkovo project for getting grants in the amount of 2.5 mln rubles. Each of these grants is allotted for co-financing projects on conducting scientific research. All five applications — are the latest research which can be used not only in various spheres of science but also in everyday life.

RENOVA Charity fund will finance development of new method of distributing secret keys on the basis of quantum cryptography, production of an experimental machine for diagnostics of breast cancer and a highly sensitive mass-spectrometer of a new generation, creation of a new way of recording information on data storage devices with the help of a laser and revision of an energy-efficient technology of turning various biomasses into bio-fuel. Support of these projects is an opportunity for our country to make one more step into the world of high technology, which proves that development of such programmes will enable to considerably simplify and improve people’s lives in the future. That ‘s why RENOVA Charity Fund is planning to continue partnership with the Skolkovo innovation centre on other projects as well.