Science and education


In January 2013 Polytechnical Museum will be closed for massive reconstruction, but despite this fact, with help of CF RENOVA it will be able to continue its activity in other spaces. The main exposition, according to the plan of development will be temporarily based on the territory of the All-Russian exhibition centre. Here Russian science and technology will be presented from the point of view of their significance for the world culture, which will help to fully appreciate the depth of Russian thought, to determine the spheres of interests of Russian scientists. The famous lecture-hall of the Polytechnical museum has also found new location — now it is situated in the ZIL cultural centre. At the same time the museum’s activity did not end by mere transportation of lectures to the new place. Starting from October 2012 new projects on opening scientific laboratories for studying robotics, chemistry, car design and 3-D modeling are being carried out. And the smallest visitors will have a chance to attend a special lecture-hall for children. Equipment for this lecture-hall was financed by CF RENOVA.

Special attention is paid to the work of the scientific Polytechnical library.

It is here that not only unique books but also ideas, which played a huge role in the history of science and culture, are being kept. That’s why in the framework of the preparation to 140th anniversary of the museum, which was marked in 2012, project “Rare Fund” was realized here.

Designer and conceptual ideas have attracted attention of representatives of regional museums. Today's negotiations about holding mobile expositions “Rare Fund” in various Russian cities, are being held.

Realization of this project has become possible with support of RENOVA Fund.

But stll the most up-to-date and important issue for the Polytechnical museum is reconstruction.

Last year Fund of development of Polytechnical Museum organized contest and determined 6 participants of its second stage for building Museum-educational centre of the Polytechnical museum of Moscow State Lomonosov University, the architectural project of the historical building of the museum on the New square was worked out, expert support and consulting support of the realization of the future concept of the reconstructed museum was provided, raising the level of the staff’s skill was financed, the new more efficient version of the official website was created. In six months since the main building has been closed for reconstruction, the Polytechnical museum has proved: it is possible and sometimes even necessary to live outside the native home, because this opens new opportunities for demonstrating one’s potential.