Culture and Art


Issuing a full collection of works of any composer is not an easy task. Musical editors, researchers and even performers, who are often involved in this process, spend months, sometimes years, to prepare the issue of the new publication. And when in 2012 Tchaikovsky Charity Fund together with publishing houses “Music” and “P. Yurgenson” Musical publishing house” have planned to issue two volumes of collected works of Alexander Skryabin, it was quite clear how long and difficult the work they were facing was. The new edition of the collected works of Skryabin is supplied with detailed commentary, textual notices, list of sources of publication, the work is based on materials published during Skryabin’s lifetime. Undoubtedly, this work requires not only diligence and attention from researchers and editors, but also financial spending. Realizing this problem, RENOVA charity fund has helped publishers, researchers and performers bring to life their long-term dream — to issue not only regular collection of works by Skryabin, but also create a full value guide to the world of his ideas. The issue of several more volumes of the composer’s works is ahead, and this means that the work on “the mystery of sounds” goes on, and it’s quite possible that we will have a chance to get to know the “new” Skryabin again.