Culture and Art
BackInternational literary contest
The Renova Fort Ross Foundation is happy to announce its first international contest for the best children’s literary work.
Children and adults of all ages interested in sharing their stories of Fort Ross and in becoming a part of Fort Ross legacy are encouraged to participate.
The best contest story will join a storyline for a special Fort Ross children’s book.
Basic requirements: original plot line, use of historical facts, as well as some elements of the past and present of Fort Ross flora and fauna. Use of modern technologies in the plot is not welcome.
Genres: fairy tale, fable, short novel or narrative. Age Groups: 6-12, 13-20 and 21-99 years old.
Format: Times New Roman font 12, double space, 250-1500 words. All submitted texts must be checked for grammar and spelling, Word, .doc or .rtf file.
Each work must be accompanied by the artist’s contact information including name, age, phone number, email and mailing address.
Please submit your work via e-mail at
All participants will receive acknowledgments for their participation. The Winner will be awarded a trip* to Fort Ross to one of the Fort Ross holidays in 2014 -2015.
Works must be submitted before July 30, 2014. Winners will be announced after August 25, 2014.
The Renova Fort Ross Foundation reserves the right to use all received artwork to promote awareness of Fort Ross State Historic Park. All contest entries become the property of the Organizer and will not be returned.
* Total travel costs should not exceed $1,500 for domestic flights and $3,000 for international flights.