Culture and Art


In 2011 RENOVA Charity Fund, the participant of the “Society of friends of the Tretyakov gallery” has responded to this famous Russian museum’s request to support the project, aimed at improving the conditions of keeping, safety and quality of display of artworks in M.Vrubel hall. Thus, one of the biggest parts of the Moscow gallery has found new look, thanks to additional spot lighting of each painting, creation of a frame for the central picture of the hall — “Princess of Dream”, and construction of a podium for orchestra and piano. In 2012 the co-operation between the Fund and the Tretyakov gallery continued. Technical supply of events taking place in the Vrubel hall has been taken to a new level, which attracted some large-scale conferences, lectures, musical evenings. At the same time RENOVA Fund has provided the Tretyakov gallery support in another big project on 2012 — carrying out a gala ceremony, devoted to 180th anniversary of Pavel Treytakov. It is quite symbolic that this event took place in Vrubel’s hall, which was renovated with great help from the Fund. Co-operation of RENOVA Fund and the Tretyakov gallery will continue In future and new projects are bound to appear in the plans of two allies.