BackIn the framework of the programme “Personal Charity” in 2012 RENOVA Charity Fund has managed to realize several projects to help its little wards. During this year a special sensor room has been opened in the boarding school for visually impaired children, new equipment for conducting a more detailed ophthalmological examination, a grant training-contest of personal projects among children of 9-12th grades, which gave children a chance to have a shot at real-life projects. Winners of nominations “Best class” and “Best pupil” spent two weeks in Switzerland in August, and in autumn that year their new friends came to visit them for the traditional “Day of friends”. That evening the wards and guests of the boarding school saw the performance of little actors from the theatre of pantomime “Piano” from Nizhniy Novgorod. The uniqueness of this theatre is that artists are wards from the boarding school for deaf children. In this theatre deaf children and teenagers are taught the art of pantomime and clownery, as well as dance and acting. Staff members of RENOVA company could see their inspired faces during the exhibition “Music of movement”, which was taking place in the foyer of the office building of the Corporate Centre in October 2012. Also thanks to help of RENOVA Charity Fund, which is a constant partner of the Moscow Easter festival starting from 2008, the boarding school in Malakhovka played host to a concert of classical music, which entered the charity programme of this big musical forum. Various events took place in offices of RENOVA company. The year has seen 7 Days of Donor. The gathered funds was transferred to several not-for-profit charity organizations, and donors’ blood went to various medical establishment of the country. In summer employees of the company took part in the marathon RESTART. The total sum of donations reached 535 929 rubles. This money went to help children in care of the psychoneurological department of Russian Children’s Clinical Hospital, kindergarten № 1790, for children with disorders of locomotor system and also for purchase of hearing-aid for wards of children’s home in Sergiev Posad. During two autumn months employees of the RENOVA company were gathering clothes, medicine, books, toys and stationery for poor families in the framework of the campaign “Box of kindness”. All the gathered goods were distributed among charity organizations and funds Creation , Mercy and Fair Help
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